Thursday, October 20, 2011

Nintendo Conference!!!!

It seems that Nintendo did not have enough with his presentation at TGS, and so decided to another event, only this time it will be only online throught a stream.

What ads? Some of the titles you will see at the end of the year, including "Mario Kart 3D" and  ddetails of the new firmware, plus future installments that can reach America. The event is at 8:00 pm Friday 21th october in Japan, at 6:00 am local time in Mexico. So you have an excuse to wake up early.


  1. something i will wait for sure i want to know more of what will come next =3

  2. Hell no, i'm not waking up for this! Interested to see what new games they are coming out with though

  3. eh, I don't like watching conferences, but I am excited to see what they will discuss about.

  4. This Nintendo logo makes me feel so nostalgic

  5. Lets see what comes out of this. Mario Kart 3D sounds sweet

  6. hey man do you have alink for it? i wanan see it in real time stream!

  7. Will be ever cooler that we can watch it online.

    Like Hento said, though. Got a link?

  8. It was a great conference man

  9. I love nintendo. My first love!!!
